55% Bonus

55% Bonus on each deposit

InstaForex customers can take the opportunity of a fascinating offer, the 55% Bonus to every deposit. The bonus can be deposited to accounts that were opened after June 15, 2013.

Aksiya 28 October 2024 yilgacha uzaytirildi.

Aksiya tugashigacha qolgan kunlar soni: 11

55%lik bonusdan foydalanish to'g'risida bitim

You can register a live trading account on the page. You are free to open an account in any currency to receive the bonus.


* Valid for first-time participants only. If you are the owner of a bonus account with InstaForex,
you should proceed to Step II.

Trading account replenishment

To get the Welcome Bonus, you should activate your trading account through replenishing it with any amount in any convenient way.


Making an application for a bonus

After the registration of the live account, you will be asked to fill in the application form for the 55% bonus and specify the details of your trading account.


Receiving a bonus to a trading account

The 55% Welcome Bonus will be credited to your trading account automatically.


Qutlov bonusi 30%
Foydani olish imkoniyati ha
Verifikatsiya qilish yo'q
Bonusning maksimal miqdori Cheklanmagan
Hisobga o'tkazish Har bir to'ldirishga
Boshqa bonuslar bilan mos kelishi Mos kelmaydi
Yangi mijozlar uchun foydalanish qulayligi Foydalanish mumkin
Kompaniyada hisob-varaqlari bo'lgan mijozlar uchun Foydalanish mumkin
Bonusni chiqarish uchun bitimlarning minimal hajmi X*6 InstaForex-lotlari, bu yerda X=olingan bonuslarning yig'indi hajmi
Maksimal kredit yelkasi 1:200
PAMMga investitsiya qilish Not Available
Stop Out darajasi 100%

55%lik bonusdan foydalanish to'g'risida bitim

You can register a live trading account on the page. You are free to open an account in any currency to receive the bonus.


* Valid for first-time participants only. If you are the owner of a bonus account with InstaForex,
you should proceed to Step II.

Trading account replenishment

To get the Welcome Bonus, you should activate your trading account through replenishing it with any amount in any convenient way.


Making an application for a bonus

After the registration of the live account, you will be asked to fill in the application form for the 55% bonus and specify the details of your trading account.


Receiving a bonus to a trading account

After the registration of the live account, you will be asked to fill in the application form for the 55% bonus and specify the details of your trading account.


Qutlov bonusi 30%
Foydani olish imkoniyati ha
Verifikatsiya qilish yo'q
Bonusning maksimal miqdori Cheklanmagan
Hisobga o'tkazish Har bir to'ldirishga
Boshqa bonuslar bilan mos kelishi Mos kelmaydi
Yangi mijozlar uchun foydalanish qulayligi Foydalanish mumkin
Kompaniyada hisob-varaqlari bo'lgan mijozlar uchun Foydalanish mumkin
Bonusni chiqarish uchun bitimlarning minimal hajmi X*6 InstaForex-lotlari, bu yerda X=olingan bonuslarning yig'indi hajmi
Maksimal kredit yelkasi 1:200
PAMMga investitsiya qilish Not Available
Stop Out darajasi 100%

55% Bonus Agreement

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