
What is ForexCopy?

ForexCopy is a service that allows you to earn money by copying trades of successful traders. Alternatively, you can provide your trades for copying and get extra profit from it.
How does ForexCopy work?
When traders open new positions, they are automatically copied to the Followers’ accounts. Traders charge a commission for copying their positions, which our company can cover.
The Follower sets up automatic copying of positions
The Trader opens a position
The trade is automatically copied to the Follower’s account
Both the Trader and the Follower earn money
A commission is deducted from the Follower’s account and credited to the Trader
ForexCopy advantages for Followers:
Opportunity to make money on Forex even with little experience;
Large choice of best-performing Traders’ projects with full and transparent statistics;
Minimum deposit totaling only $10;
Full control over trading on your account;
Flexible payment options for copying, including payments covered by the company;
Opportunity to reduce risks by copying positions of several traders.
ForexCopy advantages for Traders:
Extra source of income from a profitable strategy;
Opportunity to set any payment method for copying trades;
Availability of your account in the public Monitoring, seen by more than 7 million InstaForex clients;
Unlimited number of followers and unlimited profit from copying;
More than 400 instruments for trading: currencies, stocks, metals, and cryptocurrencies;
Double profit if you attract Followers by yourself.
You can be both the Trader and the Follower, that is, you can copy positions of other traders and provide your own trades for copying at the same time.
TOP ForexCopy traders
Five best accounts for copying trades through the ForexCopy system
TOP 5 profitable traders
Start making money on ForexCopy right now!
Hurry up! Time is money! Start making money on ForexCopy right now! It is enough to either choose a trader and copy trades, or provide access to your trading activity.
ForexCopy tizimi bo'yicha savollar
ForexCopy tizim nima?
Bu tizim ForexCopy Treyderning bitimlaridan haqiqiy vaqt rejimida nusxa olishga va ularni ForexCopy Obunachilarning hisob-varaqlarida avtomatik ochishga imkon beradi. Bunda ForexCopy Obunachilar har bir ForexCopy Treyderning bir sutkadagi nusxa olinadigan bitimlari miqdorini tartibga solishlari, nusxa olinadigan lotlarning nisbatini va o'z hisob-varag'iga nusxa ko'chirish uchun ma'lum bir vositalarni tanlashlari mumkin.
Men ForexCopy Obunachi sifatida qanday vositalar bo'yicha va qanday nisbat bilan ochiladigan lotlar mening hisob-varag'imga bitimlar nusxasi ko'chirishni tanlab olishim mumkinmi?
Ha, Siz barcha bitimlarning ham, nusxasi olinadigan lotlarning oldingdan chiqarilgan nisbati bilan ma'lum vositalar bo'yicha bitimlarning ham nusxasini ko'chirib olishingiz mumkin.
ForexCopy Treyder nusxa ko'chirish uchun komissiyani qachon oladi?
ForexCopy Treyderga komissiya quyidagi hollarda hisob qilinadi:
– ForexCopy Treyderning yoki ForexCopy Obunachining tashabbusi bilan obuna to'xtatilgan paytda;
– rolloverning funksiyasini aktivatsiyalanishi bilan, bunda ForexCopy Obunachining hisob-varag'ida bitimlardan nusxa ko'chirish obunani to'xtatmasdan davom ettiriladi;
– agar ForexCopy Treyder "Obuna kuni narxi" har kunlik to'lov usulini tanlagan bo'lsa, u holda u komissiyani har kuni soat 23:30 GMT+2 da oladi.
Agar men ForexCopy Obunachi bo'lsam, ForexCopy Treyderning nusxasi ko'chirilgan bitimni, agar u haqiqatan ham zararli deb hisoblasam, uni bekor qila olamanmi?
Siz uni MetaTrader terminalida yopishingiz mumkin, lekin uni bekor qila olmaysiz.
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